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Away MissionsNews

2021 New Year and Review

By: Commander Christopher Mulrooney (Chief of Web Engineering for USS-Angeles)

2020 is behind up and we looking ahead with this New Year 2021. We as a crew are continuing to safely meet via our Zoom Away missions a member exclusive meet up. We also Communicate using our new member exclusive email list. This will continue till we can safely start our meet up and group activities that we accustomed too. The Command Staff of the USS-Angeles have are making online USS-Angeles Zoom Away Missions a Monthly even every Third Saturday of the month at 2pm. Links will be sent to members the week of event to remind members of our it. We will work on having watch parties via Zoom or various Games to continue in communications together and our mutual love of Star Trek and Science fiction. We do like to hear crew feedbacks and ideas as well so feel free to let the command staff know your ideas for the future events.

In 2020 we had several Zoom Away missions as well as our annual Holiday Party on Zoom minus our White Elephant gift exchange we will have to make up for it this year!

As always LIVE LONG AND PROSPER and keep checking back on USSANGELES.ORG

Captain of Website Engineering

Christopher Mulrooney Captain Captain of Website Engineering USS ANGELES NCC-71840