USS Angeles wins Region 4 awards
By Fleet Capt. Dave Mason
USS Angeles has won STARFLEET Region 4’s best newsletter award for Angels Flight and the Vanguard Award for this website,
The Vanguard award is presented for the best overall website in Region 4, which consists of various Western states. STARFLEET International is a nonprofit operated by and for “Star Trek” fans, and the USS Angeles is among the chapters affiliated with it.
The awards were announced today by Regional Coordinator David Nottage during a Zoom conference of commanding officers and first officers.
I accepted the awards on behalf of the USS Angeles and our fellow Zoom participant, First Officer Jennifer Cole, and our webmaster, Christopher Mulrooney.
In addition to awards, the Region 4 meeting of COs and XOs included a detailed discussion of STARFLEET business and a roll call during which COs discussed their ship’s activities.
The USS Angeles remains active in the virtual world during the COVID-19 pandemic, and monthly Zoom chats will resume in September. They’re open to USS Angeles members. To become a member, receive our award-winning newsletter and participate in Zoom chats, click on “Join us” on this page.