Dave Mason listens to Athene Massey discuss her TV and movie career.
Club NewsEvents

‘Voyager’ guest star talks to USS Angeles

By Fleet Capt. Dave Mason

NORTHRIDGE — Athena Massey was excited to act on “Star Trek” — even if the sets weren’t totally out of this world.

On “ Voyager,” Massey played Jessen, an Enaran engineer in the third-season “Voyager” episode “Remember.” She discussed the episode and her long career in acting and stunts with the USS Angeles during our 29th anniversary party March 3 at First Officer Jeremy Kranz’s home in Northridge in the Los Angeles area.

“There’s what you think it’s supposed to be like, and then there’s what it’s really like,” she said about the sets at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. “I remember looking at the doors. I wanted to see and hear the ‘swish.’ ”

She was surprised to learn the doors weren’t on a track. She was told that someone pushed and pulled the doors during filming. 

“I said, ‘Are you serious?’” Massey said.

But Massey enjoyed being on the sound stages. And she said she was impressed with the script for “Remember,” which was a “Star Trek” take on the Holocaust. Another Enaran, Jora Mirell (Eve H. Brenner), uses telepathy to send her memories to Chief Engineer B’Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson), who learns of a genocide on Jora’s planet.

“We know that history always repeats itself, so it’s important that every generation sees a different form of this story being told because it’s not something to be forgotten,” Massey said. “The Holocaust and so many different genocides have happened in our history, and I think it’s important that people always be reminded and to keep humanity in check and not let this happen again.”

In addition to Massey’s talk, the dozen or so Angeles members attending, along with Massey’s daughter, Davina, saw an awards presentation. Jeremy received the Great Bird of the Galaxy award for his efforts to promote “Star Trek” at his middle school and elsewhere. Chris Mulrooney received a Jake Sisko Communications Award for his work on our award-winning website, ussangeles.org. And the crew heard the announcement that Audi Jack, who participated in Angeles chats via Zoom from her home in Colorado, was the recipient of the Angeles’ first Nichelle Nichols Viewscreen Award.

We had a great time with Athena Massey and appreciate her coming to our party! For more about Athena’s talk, see this month’s upcoming edition of Angels Flight, the award-winning newsletter that goes to USS Angeles members. To become one, click on Join us!

USS Angeles members gather with Athena Massey at the club’s 29th Anniversary Party at the meeting room at First Officer Jeremy Kranz’s home in Northridge. Seated in front, from left, are Dave Mason, Athena and new member Cassie Queen. Standing from left are Jeremy, Janice Willcocks, Lili Queen, Gloria Rodriguez, Joe Queen, Kristine Cherry, Chris Mulrooney, Brian Nomi and Lisa Sobien. (Photos by Dennis Cherry/USS Angeles/Angels Flight)
Watching Athena Massey are, from left, her daughter Davina, Gloria Rodriguez, Chris Mulrooney, Joe Queen, Lili Queen, Cassie Queen and Brian Nomi.
Dave Mason listens to Athene Massey discuss her TV and movie career.

Dave Mason

Commanding officer of the USS-Angeles Rank Fleet Captain